Todays Featured Listing showcases the under 100K market. This is an REO. If you are unsure of what an REO is - it is an acronym for Real Estate Owned. This means it is a bank owned foreclosure. Typically these are sold in an AS-IS condition. The bank owners will make very little to absolutely no repairs to the home. Mostly no repairs. They also have limited disclosures regarding the property due to the fact that they never lived in the home and the previous owners didn't leave a list. If you are considering buying an REO property, have all relevant home inspections performed so you know what you are getting into as far as repairs to the property go.Also get a Home Warranty for repairs that may crop up in the future.
Now, onto more interesting things. What did you do this weekend?? Hahaha - Well, let me tell you what I did. Seeing as this is kind of a one-way conversation anyways. I went to meditation! Ya! - That was the high point of my weekend - I haven't meditated in about two weeks now. Ugh! - My brain was full of crud! My thoughts were spinning out of control - you know how it is when you exercise on a daily basis and then you don't - you feel like a slug! - So, I never exercise - it's boring to me. And it hurts, cuz I'm so badly out of shape but I liken my meditation to your exercise. I like to meditate at least once a day. I hate when I don't do it. So, anyways, I went to meditation and cleared my mind and I feel Great! I have renewed sense of direction. It's so easy to get off track. I'm on track now...starting tomorrow hahah.
Over the weekend there were 40 new listings and 38 new pendings. 729 on the market today - better hurry before they are all GONE!
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